Friday, September 16, 2011

these are a few of my favorite things

September, in most regions of the country, means fall. In Fort Worth, we broke the record for the number of days over 100 degrees in one year this week. There is a break on the horizon though and rain the forecast for next week!!! Can I get an AMEN!?!

So, although we are currently still sitting in the heat and summer (depending on the day), I am looking forward to fall and all that goes with it.

horned frog football, y'all!

I understand. How live in Texas and love football! Well, first, give me props for being excited. I was not an avid fan in early college. But, with love of a man, comes a love of his hobbies. B's love (following me and skiing, of course) is football. I am proud of our TCU Horned Frogs and all the success that they have had and continue to have. Its better to embrace it and love it than to fight it. Right? It would be a long fall if I didn't like some football.


Scarves are a fun accessory that is versatile, can add a pop of color and provide a little fun to an otherwise drab outfit. There are so many different options as to how to wear a scarf. Different knots, ways to wrap the scarf, etc. Even with a light shirt you can feel cozy in a cool breeze. So much fun!

hot apple pies

No, I'm not talking food here, people. I'll get to that next. I'm talking about my favorite cold weather beverage. B happens to make a mean hot apple pie, especially when I'm feeling under the weather. This opens you right up and warms you from the inside out.

2 oz Tuaca
4 oz hot apple cider (from bottle or homemade)
whipped cream
cinnamon stick for garnish

Add the Tuaca and the cider, stir well. Top with whipped cream and add the cinnamon stick. YUM!

chillies, stews, pot pies and soups

B and I fancy ourselves to be quite the chefs. If we did the love language thing, ours would be cooking (if that is one)! We love to spend time together, the conversation we have while cooking and eating is important to us. We also love the fun of experimenting with new ingredients and recipes. Well, a slight change in temperature and we are busting out the Green Chili Stew (already made once this season), pot pie, tortilla soup, gnocchi soup. I'll start posting my favorites as we make them. Comfort food at its finest.

fall cleaning

Spring cleaning is usually where people's heads are at. But, as a typical Type A personality and an organization enthusiast, I like to take every opportunity to purge the closets, drawers, trunks, etc. Take the opportunity to switch out your closets. Move your summer wardrobe to storage and exchange it for your fall/winter clothes. I use a plastic storage bin that can slide under the guest bed. It holds a good number of sweaters and holds lots of summer-time clothes. Its also a great time to donate clothes to worthy causes. If you saved an item last season, and realize when you pull it back out that its showing its wear or is just out of date it is time to move on. I cannot encourage this enough: BE RUTHLESS. Get rid of things. Love the items you have and move on.


I am, what you call, a homebody. I love family time hanging out around the house. I am lucky enough that when we visit my parents the men love to golf so Mom and I can shop, antique, run errands and get dinner started. Everyone comes together mid afternoon and just relaxes. The cooler weather allows for nice conversation on the front porch and then welcomes you into a cozy home decorated with pumpkins and gourds for the fall season.

Some of these aren't 'things' per say, but they are my favorite parts of fall. I hope you have a wonderful fall day and soak it up while you can! Its going to be 92 degrees again tomorrow...but I'm sure the day after that will be lovely; you never know!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

something to remember

Something important to remember when life is busy and stressful. Remember its about being happy in the end so make it your goal :)