From my family to yours - Happy holidays!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
isaiah 9:6
For to us a chid is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
christmas traditions
Today B and I travel to Chicago to see my family for Christmas. I LOVE Christmas in Chicago - one catch. It appears that we will not be having a white Christmas. BOO.
But we will have lots of family together time and that is what counts! We spend the majority of the time with my dad's side of the family so we can be with my grandma but head to my mom's side on Christmas day. We've made a few traditions over the years in our holiday travel; here are some of my favorites.
We always go to Del Rio Restaurant in Highwood to enjoy their Christmas Dinner Opera. We started this just a few years ago but love it. The food and wine are delicious and the music is beautiful! We see some of the same singers from year to year and expect a few of our favorites and get excited to hear some new songs.
We have Mexican food on Christmas Eve. Chica WHAAAT? My aunt is Italian and has a very big family. You might expect her to make the most delicious Italian food you've ever heard of then, right? Wrong. She makes a mean fajita. And its super simple. When you have a big group to feed and sometimes that number is TBD until arrival you need something easy and can still enjoy time with the family. You don't want to be stuck in the kitchen the whole time. Note: My aunt is a fantastic Italian cook - she just chooses Mexican on Christmas Eve. It is not a reflection on her Italian cooking.
My favorite tradition of all, however, is when we go to my mom's side of the family for Christmas day, the Polish side. Before we eat, we partake in the Christmas wafer: Oplatek (pronounced: opwatek), similar to the communion wafer. Each person breaks off a piece of the wafer and shares their piece with everyone else in attendance. That's the time to say I love you, give everyone a kiss and wish them a year of prosperity and peace. Its so simple but such a nice time to share with your loved ones. Yes, you say hi and talk throughout the night, but its so nice to have a set time to let everyone know how much you love them in the hustle and bustle of the day.
Animals are also given oplatek. The legend says that animals given the wafer will be able to speak at midnight, but only the pure of heart will be able to hear them. DREAM COME TRUE TO HEAR RINGO'S VOICE :) Since Ringo won't be with us we will have to wait another year.
After that, we enjoy dinner! My mom's eldest brother is the chef and creates masterpieces. Mom's middle brother is the maker of the kapusta and everyonefights over enjoys that as well.
Those are my favorite Christmas traditions. Some I'd like to continue when B and I start a family. What are your favorite traditions?
But we will have lots of family together time and that is what counts! We spend the majority of the time with my dad's side of the family so we can be with my grandma but head to my mom's side on Christmas day. We've made a few traditions over the years in our holiday travel; here are some of my favorites.
We always go to Del Rio Restaurant in Highwood to enjoy their Christmas Dinner Opera. We started this just a few years ago but love it. The food and wine are delicious and the music is beautiful! We see some of the same singers from year to year and expect a few of our favorites and get excited to hear some new songs.
We have Mexican food on Christmas Eve. Chica WHAAAT? My aunt is Italian and has a very big family. You might expect her to make the most delicious Italian food you've ever heard of then, right? Wrong. She makes a mean fajita. And its super simple. When you have a big group to feed and sometimes that number is TBD until arrival you need something easy and can still enjoy time with the family. You don't want to be stuck in the kitchen the whole time. Note: My aunt is a fantastic Italian cook - she just chooses Mexican on Christmas Eve. It is not a reflection on her Italian cooking.
My favorite tradition of all, however, is when we go to my mom's side of the family for Christmas day, the Polish side. Before we eat, we partake in the Christmas wafer: Oplatek (pronounced: opwatek), similar to the communion wafer. Each person breaks off a piece of the wafer and shares their piece with everyone else in attendance. That's the time to say I love you, give everyone a kiss and wish them a year of prosperity and peace. Its so simple but such a nice time to share with your loved ones. Yes, you say hi and talk throughout the night, but its so nice to have a set time to let everyone know how much you love them in the hustle and bustle of the day.
Animals are also given oplatek. The legend says that animals given the wafer will be able to speak at midnight, but only the pure of heart will be able to hear them. DREAM COME TRUE TO HEAR RINGO'S VOICE :) Since Ringo won't be with us we will have to wait another year.
After that, we enjoy dinner! My mom's eldest brother is the chef and creates masterpieces. Mom's middle brother is the maker of the kapusta and everyone
Those are my favorite Christmas traditions. Some I'd like to continue when B and I start a family. What are your favorite traditions?
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
politics aside: santa for president
Seriously, put it aside and hear me out. I promise, its funny and wildly outlandish and not an attack on any party in particular.
I have Lewis Black's 'Anticipation' stand up CD and it is absolutely amazing, or at least parts of it. Yes, he is a flaming liberal and I find myself mostly down the middle of the road; everything in moderation, right? But this one bit in the CD is FAN-tastic.
Let me begin, Christmas is shopping. Not that it is all Christmas is about because I certainly do not believe that, but gifts are given so shopping must be done. Yesterday, the US saw a huge jump in the stock market. We are slowly dragging ourselves back up, working to get the country back to where it needs to be.
Lewis goes into how great Christmas is {because it is} and how it really spurs the economic status of the US. He says this:
I have Lewis Black's 'Anticipation' stand up CD and it is absolutely amazing, or at least parts of it. Yes, he is a flaming liberal and I find myself mostly down the middle of the road; everything in moderation, right? But this one bit in the CD is FAN-tastic.
Let me begin, Christmas is shopping. Not that it is all Christmas is about because I certainly do not believe that, but gifts are given so shopping must be done. Yesterday, the US saw a huge jump in the stock market. We are slowly dragging ourselves back up, working to get the country back to where it needs to be.
Lewis goes into how great Christmas is {because it is} and how it really spurs the economic status of the US. He says this:
When did the American economy
become tied to Santa's a#s?
And if Santa is THAT important,
then may I suggest
that in November of 2008
we elect him president.
Yes, this is an old bit. But the man has a point! Look at what Christmas does for us? We are the most prosperous economy in the world. I know it may not seem like it but other countries are rioting due to their current situation. We just have annoying people occupying at the edge of each downtown.
I understand, Santa is a fictional character. Lewis goes on to say that if perhaps we just added an amendment to the US Constitution that whoever is the president has to wear the Santa suit. What if we took it one step further? All leaders must wear the Santa suit. THINK about it. You are watching the news. Regardless if you were watching the leader of the House, Senate or our Executive branch and that person is driving you crazy. If they were in the Santa suit, there is no way to avoid the feeling of love and compassion with the Big Guy.
This is the future, people. I say parties join together. Santa for president. After all, he seems better than the nincompoops running for 2012.
Monday, December 19, 2011
that dog is part hound
That's what B's grandpa said after taking Ringo for a walk over Thanskgiving.
I am starting to agree with him. You can see his adorable black nose is a fairly important part of his face. He really has been letting it lead the way recently and its driving me crazy. He can sniff out anything edible or not so edible in a 100 meter radius. Going on a walk or run with him has become a game of tug of war with his leash, making me feel awful for choking him!!! But eating that bad piece of plastic or munching on anothers scraps is not the best thing for his tummy. What would I do without this furry little nugget? He may drive me crazy but gosh is he a good companion :)
Maybe Grandpa is right! Perhaps a tetch of hound resides in his sniffer, he was adopted from the humane society and we don't know what he is mixed with. I always assumed it was a terrier though...because of his stellar jumping skills. But that's another post all together.
Friday, December 9, 2011
i love you
I was reminded yesterday of how precious life is. This holiday season, remember to never pass up an opportunity to say, "I love you" to the ones you care about. Say it with gusto and sincereity. Say it often and followed by a hug. It will make you both feel good.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
first christmas
This is it, folks! Our first married Christmas. Yay!!! I'm still so happy we will be together this holiday season. It really is awful to be away from your love on Christmas!
In honor of our first year, I decided we should have a special ornament to celebrate. I told you I love ornaments! My parents were given a BEAUTIFUL ornament from my grandma their first year of marriage and they still have it: a partridge in a pear tree.
Isn't that a wonderful idea? It is also a daunting task. To find an ornament that will stay beautiful and meaningful forever? Till death do us part also applies to the ornament ;) So I started my hunt. I try not to be a cheesy person. It doesn't always work, but I tryand that's what counts, right?
Ever google 'first Christmas ornament'? Do it. I dare you. The cheese that will erupt through your computer will astound you. Swans with their necks forming a heart, wedding cakes with the bride and groom standing atop, hands with rings. Its enough to nauseate me. Oh wait, it did. Regroup! No more googling 'first Christmas'. Plainly, that was not the avenue I needed to venture down.
My first stop was Neimans. Known for their classic and beautiful gifts all year long, I knew they would have what I was looking for, and they did! I went to a few other places but always came back to NM. We decided on the Swarovski snowflake. They create one each year and this year happened to be the 20th anniversary! Can you say SPARKLE??? What girl can resist?
It even has the year so when we're old and senile we can reference the ornament to remember how long we've been married. I'm very pleased, as is B. So, sorry cheese, classic won this battle.
In honor of our first year, I decided we should have a special ornament to celebrate. I told you I love ornaments! My parents were given a BEAUTIFUL ornament from my grandma their first year of marriage and they still have it: a partridge in a pear tree.
Isn't that a wonderful idea? It is also a daunting task. To find an ornament that will stay beautiful and meaningful forever? Till death do us part also applies to the ornament ;) So I started my hunt. I try not to be a cheesy person. It doesn't always work, but I try
Ever google 'first Christmas ornament'? Do it. I dare you. The cheese that will erupt through your computer will astound you. Swans with their necks forming a heart, wedding cakes with the bride and groom standing atop, hands with rings. Its enough to nauseate me. Oh wait, it did. Regroup! No more googling 'first Christmas'. Plainly, that was not the avenue I needed to venture down.
My first stop was Neimans. Known for their classic and beautiful gifts all year long, I knew they would have what I was looking for, and they did! I went to a few other places but always came back to NM. We decided on the Swarovski snowflake. They create one each year and this year happened to be the 20th anniversary! Can you say SPARKLE??? What girl can resist?
Monday, December 5, 2011
annual ornament exchange
There are no truer words. I hosted our Annual Ornament Exchange on Friday. Last year B and I hosted a blow out Christmas party that ended with a mouse in the house and too much indulgence. I decided hosting this for the gals instead of the whole crew was a much better idea. 12 of my closest friends from the DFW area gathered for food, spirits and ornaments to get us in the holiday spirit!
We had a great time and it was so nice for a gals night...I hate to say its been months since I've had one, and it was much needed. I ended up with this beauty from my friend Erin. She has impeccable taste! Head to her blog, The Simply Fabulous, for all of her fabulous ideas for your home, children, friends and yourself!
I have a very eclectic tree. The beads are from my childhood tree, I have lots of ornaments that are from when I was a kid too. Note: golfer for B and the cat ballerina to the bottom right corner. I have lots of glass balls from my parents coordinated tree. Sparkle, natural, child-like, I do not discriminate! I love ornaments. As long as they have a special place for you they have a special place on the tree! I always appreciate the beautiful and coordinated trees with the bows, matching balls and ribbon but I will stick to my random tree of happiness.
What's your tree like? Coordinated and classic or random and eclectic?
Monday, November 28, 2011
we are survivors
We survived our first Thanksgiving! In fact, we more than survived. We are champions. B took the reigns with the turkey and it turned out just beautifully! Moist and deeelicious. The herb butter recipe from Stop and Smell the Rosemary really flavored it just right.
I am so glad we prepped as much as we did. We made the cranberry sauce, also from Stop and Smell the Rosemary, on Tuesday so we just needed to put that in its serving dish. B's mom came over early to teach me the family recipe for stuffing and then we put it to the side. Potatoes were made by my sister in law as well as the pies. B's step grandmother made marinaded vegetables. I made a Barefoot Contessa's gravy recipe. It was ok - but I think I'll keep searching for another one. Green beans, amazing crunchy bread from Whole Foods and my mom's Waldorf Salad recipe rounded out the meal.
I felt very lucky to be able to use all of our wedding gifts! Our china from my Aunt Cynthia, a table runner from the wedding, Nambe candle sticks from a cousin and our formal silver. My in laws brought gorgeous leaded glass wine glasses that belonged to B's grandmother. They were colorful and really added something special to the table.
I'm so proud of us and one holiday dinner under our belt has prepared us for all the others. We are a great team in the kitchen and I am thankful to have a husband that wants to help prepare a special meal for family. Where I come from food = love, so we certainly showed the fam some love :)
I am however, exhausted. As soon as my in laws left we cleaned this morning and are decorating for the holidays now :) I am hosting the ornament exchange on Friday so everything must be in perfect shape. The garland is done, wreath is on the door. The small tree upstairs is put up. I'm still lighting the big tree and need to put up all the other little details. Ringo has been surprisingly good for the process. I figured he would be barking and chewing on everything but he just stares with awe. Christmas must be his favorite holiday too.
Offically, happy holidays, folks! May your holiday season be filled with many blessings and loved ones.
I'm so proud of us and one holiday dinner under our belt has prepared us for all the others. We are a great team in the kitchen and I am thankful to have a husband that wants to help prepare a special meal for family. Where I come from food = love, so we certainly showed the fam some love :)
I am however, exhausted. As soon as my in laws left we cleaned this morning and are decorating for the holidays now :) I am hosting the ornament exchange on Friday so everything must be in perfect shape. The garland is done, wreath is on the door. The small tree upstairs is put up. I'm still lighting the big tree and need to put up all the other little details. Ringo has been surprisingly good for the process. I figured he would be barking and chewing on everything but he just stares with awe. Christmas must be his favorite holiday too.
Offically, happy holidays, folks! May your holiday season be filled with many blessings and loved ones.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
once in a while
Well, isn't this the best thing ever? For several reasons, in fact. I love the quote. As a newlywed, this will be our first holiday together. We have always observed holidays with our own families since we weren't legally bound. I'm really excited to be together because it was always so sad to only be able to call the one I love the most during the most wonderful time of the year. But that also means bringing family together to form new traditions. So this will be a season of compromise. Learning other's traditions, embracing them and creating a few of our own; not necessarily sticking to what we're told.
I also love this because, HELLO, The Sound of Music is one of my favorites :) I watched it every day as a child and can and will put it on replay and just enjoy the music and dialog while I go about my day. B and I want to take at least one great trip together before we start a family and I think Austria is it. Its on my bucket list, I'm DYING to sing The Hills Are Alive as I prance through the hills, arms out, feeling as though I'm home. Brian will finally
Monday, October 24, 2011
lavender lemonade
Summer is behind us...but I stumbled upon a photo on pinterest yesterday that had me itching for one last summery indulgence: lavender lemonade. Now, all the recipes I've found will not make my dreamy lemonade look like this:

How nice would that be to take to a TCU tailgate? I think it would take a little food coloring but this will be a recipe to try, found at, whether it is this year or next, its going happen.
-3 cups sugar
-7 sprigs of lavender (stems & buds) plus garnish
-2 cups fresh lemon juice (about 12 lemons)
-1/2 cup fresh lime juice (about 5 limes)
In a large saucepan, bring 1 gallon of water and the sugar to a boil. Remove from heat; add 7 lavender sprigs and lemon and lime juices. Cool to room temperature, strain and chill. Serve on ice, with additional lavender for garnish.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
six months
Today we celebrate six months of marital bliss. I feel very blessed to have met the love of my life at such an early age. We took our time and dated for six years before taking the plunge into marriage. We grew up together and experienced life together - college and then the real world - and then we made our life together official. Tax Day is no ordinary day anymore, its our anniversary that way he'll never forget.
Everyone says the first year of marriage is the hardest. We are half way through and seem to be making it, whew! There are some days tougher than others but its too hard to be mad at your best friend for long. I usually have other funny or important stuff to tell him! I am a lucky lucky woman to be with a man who is so funny, handsome, persistent and smart. Conversations are never dull and there is always something to do...possibly because I get antsy...Did I mention that he's tolerant too? And that he really does love me for all the quirks and isms that I have? Yeah, its pretty great.
I said today we are celebrating...well, today we are celebrating, but not together! B left this afternoon for France and Switzerland. He is one lucky duck and is there for a week for work. He is staying in romantic Annecy, France and then doing some business in Switzerland. I told him to go ahead, put in for a transfer and find a flat for us. Here's hoping! If we can't do that, I at least hope for a good present. We did celebrate last night over champagne and luggage :)
While B is away I will be hanging with Ringo, perhaps still enjoying champagne without him, and working on Thanksgiving preparations! I am making a wreath - already bought the supplies, so I'll make sure to let you know how it turns out. I'm also playing around with a little metallic paint. We'll see if mercury glass is what it turns out like. For now, au revoir!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
gift guide
I love the holidays. Plainly, as I've already posted about Thanksgiving, so why not start on Christmas ;) There are a few items I've been asking for for several years. SO to fix this little problem I've decided to create a gift guide for B. I mean, after registering for the wedding it seems so simple! Practical, even. There is still the chance that I won't get said gifts this year but now that it is written down (and I've given the family so much slack about the requests being denied) there is a more likely chance I will see one under the tree!
Some friends have shunned me for this idea, others are embracing it! My gift guide includes the item, specific color, price point, Web site, stores carrying the product and any other necessary details. Some items on the list include:

Some friends have shunned me for this idea, others are embracing it! My gift guide includes the item, specific color, price point, Web site, stores carrying the product and any other necessary details. Some items on the list include:
Most people haven't seen this gem of a film. It is my mom's favorite and has been watched so many times in our household it has become one of my own favs! I vividly remember watching it for the first time, as an adult, and finally getting jokes my parents always laughed about. Well, our VHS tape isn't exactly current so for several years now I've asked for the DVD. This is the year!!! I can feel it.

Toms Sunglasses - One for One
With every pair you purchase, TOMS will help give sight to a person in need.
Will you start a gift guide for your family this holiday season? I find a little guidance goes a long way. I don't expect B to live and breathe by this list; I hope it guides him in the right direction of items I love. B is even thinking of doing the same. It's just like making your list for Santa, but for your spouse.
the honor of hosting

This year B and I have the honor of hosting our first Thanksgiving! As a newlywed, I consider this to be a great treat and I want to do it right! My in-laws are wonderful so I'm happy to learn and implement some family traditions and hopefully create a few with B as well.
DFW is the central location for family to come together, between Austin and Oklahoma, so it worked out nicely. Our table of six will expand to a table of ten, tight squeeze, but we'll make it work. I'm already starting to think about lists: favorite recipes from both sides of the family, decorations, timetable, etc. I have never had the responsibility of hosting a holiday meal but am SUPER excited to take it on.
I am officially open for suggestions, tips of the trade and ideas to make a wonderful holiday for my new family. I see a few trial runs in my future..and maybe yours! Bring it on, Thanksgiving!!!!
Friday, September 16, 2011
these are a few of my favorite things
September, in most regions of the country, means fall. In Fort Worth, we broke the record for the number of days over 100 degrees in one year this week. There is a break on the horizon though and rain the forecast for next week!!! Can I get an AMEN!?!
So, although we are currently still sitting in the heat and summer (depending on the day), I am looking forward to fall and all that goes with it.
horned frog football, y'all!

I understand. How live in Texas and love football! Well, first, give me props for being excited. I was not an avid fan in early college. But, with love of a man, comes a love of his hobbies. B's love (following me and skiing, of course) is football. I am proud of our TCU Horned Frogs and all the success that they have had and continue to have. Its better to embrace it and love it than to fight it. Right? It would be a long fall if I didn't like some football.
hot apple pies
No, I'm not talking food here, people. I'll get to that next. I'm talking about my favorite cold weather beverage. B happens to make a mean hot apple pie, especially when I'm feeling under the weather. This opens you right up and warms you from the inside out.
chillies, stews, pot pies and soups
B and I fancy ourselves to be quite the chefs. If we did the love language thing, ours would be cooking (if that is one)! We love to spend time together, the conversation we have while cooking and eating is important to us. We also love the fun of experimenting with new ingredients and recipes. Well, a slight change in temperature and we are busting out the Green Chili Stew (already made once this season), pot pie, tortilla soup, gnocchi soup. I'll start posting my favorites as we make them. Comfort food at its finest.
fall cleaning
Spring cleaning is usually where people's heads are at. But, as a typical Type A personality and an organization enthusiast, I like to take every opportunity to purge the closets, drawers, trunks, etc. Take the opportunity to switch out your closets. Move your summer wardrobe to storage and exchange it for your fall/winter clothes. I use a plastic storage bin that can slide under the guest bed. It holds a good number of sweaters and holds lots of summer-time clothes. Its also a great time to donate clothes to worthy causes. If you saved an item last season, and realize when you pull it back out that its showing its wear or is just out of date it is time to move on. I cannot encourage this enough: BE RUTHLESS. Get rid of things. Love the items you have and move on.
So, although we are currently still sitting in the heat and summer (depending on the day), I am looking forward to fall and all that goes with it.
horned frog football, y'all!

I understand. How live in Texas and love football! Well, first, give me props for being excited. I was not an avid fan in early college. But, with love of a man, comes a love of his hobbies. B's love (following me and skiing, of course) is football. I am proud of our TCU Horned Frogs and all the success that they have had and continue to have. Its better to embrace it and love it than to fight it. Right? It would be a long fall if I didn't like some football.
Scarves are a fun accessory that is versatile, can add a pop of color and provide a little fun to an otherwise drab outfit. There are so many different options as to how to wear a scarf. Different knots, ways to wrap the scarf, etc. Even with a light shirt you can feel cozy in a cool breeze. So much fun!hot apple pies
No, I'm not talking food here, people. I'll get to that next. I'm talking about my favorite cold weather beverage. B happens to make a mean hot apple pie, especially when I'm feeling under the weather. This opens you right up and warms you from the inside out.
2 oz Tuaca
4 oz hot apple cider (from bottle or homemade)
whipped cream
cinnamon stick for garnish
Add the Tuaca and the cider, stir well. Top with whipped cream and add the cinnamon stick. YUM!
chillies, stews, pot pies and soups
fall cleaning
I am, what you call, a homebody. I love family time hanging out around the house. I am lucky enough that when we visit my parents the men love to golf so Mom and I can shop, antique, run errands and get dinner started. Everyone comes together mid afternoon and just relaxes. The cooler weather allows for nice conversation on the front porch and then welcomes you into a cozy home decorated with pumpkins and gourds for the fall season.
Some of these aren't 'things' per say, but they are my favorite parts of fall. I hope you have a wonderful fall day and soak it up while you can! Its going to be 92 degrees again tomorrow...but I'm sure the day after that will be lovely; you never know!
Some of these aren't 'things' per say, but they are my favorite parts of fall. I hope you have a wonderful fall day and soak it up while you can! Its going to be 92 degrees again tomorrow...but I'm sure the day after that will be lovely; you never know!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
something to remember
Something important to remember when life is busy and stressful. Remember its about being happy in the end so make it your goal :)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
area rug agony: operation complete
Its funny that the week I post about having such complete agony over finding an area rug I FOUND ONE! I subscribe to One Kings Lane and Joss & Main. I stalk search it everyday in hopes of finding items to make our house a home. Not all items are affordable...I mean, we are a couple on a budget! But its fun to dream and to build a 'wish list', but occasionally I find a true treasure.
I found said rug on One Kings Lane 3 weeks ago. I knew it was perfect. I called B and was given 'the go'. There was one thing standing in my way: my thriftiness. I am my mother's daughter and will only brag about items if I find them on sale. Those who do not shop on the sale rack are just foolish. You want a good future, you plan for it! I cut corners & DIY where I can. I made the ultimate decision not to purchase the rug...but I kept thinking about it and how I wished I had bought it.
One week later, what did my wondering eyes should appear??? THE SAME RUG on Joss & Main!!!! And not only the same rug, but for $150 less. It nearly brought tears to my eyes. I ran up and down the hall of my office, arms in the air, yelling for my coworker who is also on a mission to make her house a home. After a quick call to B I decided it was a sign and bought it :)
It happily arrived to our apartment on Saturday morning. I had a girls afternoon at the pool but I have the sweetest husband in the world who set it up for me that evening. Ringo assisted in setting it up and loves it. He always moved to the carpet to eat snacks and chew on his favorite toys; now he doesn't have to. We will have to watch him though...I will be protecting this bad boy like its my job.
We are a happy family!!! I love it, B loves it and Ringo definitely loves it. In the morning you can find the Little Man rolling on it to scratch his back. It is certainly a fabulous addition!!
I found said rug on One Kings Lane 3 weeks ago. I knew it was perfect. I called B and was given 'the go'. There was one thing standing in my way: my thriftiness. I am my mother's daughter and will only brag about items if I find them on sale. Those who do not shop on the sale rack are just foolish. You want a good future, you plan for it! I cut corners & DIY where I can. I made the ultimate decision not to purchase the rug...but I kept thinking about it and how I wished I had bought it.
One week later, what did my wondering eyes should appear??? THE SAME RUG on Joss & Main!!!! And not only the same rug, but for $150 less. It nearly brought tears to my eyes. I ran up and down the hall of my office, arms in the air, yelling for my coworker who is also on a mission to make her house a home. After a quick call to B I decided it was a sign and bought it :)
It happily arrived to our apartment on Saturday morning. I had a girls afternoon at the pool but I have the sweetest husband in the world who set it up for me that evening. Ringo assisted in setting it up and loves it. He always moved to the carpet to eat snacks and chew on his favorite toys; now he doesn't have to. We will have to watch him though...I will be protecting this bad boy like its my job.
Ringo loves the area rug, obviously.
He's just showing off the pattern!
We may adjust the table and chairs, but its the look that matters!
We are a happy family!!! I love it, B loves it and Ringo definitely loves it. In the morning you can find the Little Man rolling on it to scratch his back. It is certainly a fabulous addition!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
flying solo
B is away this week on business. Leaving me a single mom (puppy mom, that is). Although, it IS a big responsibility I will use this time to play with the pup and write a little here. I have solved my Area Rug Agony!!! YES, that's right, we have a new addition and are one step closer to Operation: Make us a Home being complete! I can't wait to show you. Be on the look out!
Monday, August 22, 2011
area rug agony
Well, we are still on the hunt for the perfect area rug. This is a difficult task. Size, design, color, price point, there are so many aspects to consider. This rug is for the dining area so it needs to be wide enough for the chairs to be pulled out from the table and durable. I've measured and taped it out on the floor...with assistance from Ringo, of course.
I am really struggling with the design. Traditional? Contemporary? Simplistic? There are so many options! What to do? What to do? I feel like an area rug can make or break the space. I am still in the process of developing my sense of style and decor; its not an easy task. Remember, we have an awesome farm house table and redone chairs in a turquoise blue with yellow gold distressed under the blue. I would like to have a pattern or design rather than just something plain like burlap, even though I'm seeing lots of that, we just need something to create a separate eating area from the rest of the apartment that adds lagniappe. Here are a few inspiration photos.
I am really struggling with the design. Traditional? Contemporary? Simplistic? There are so many options! What to do? What to do? I feel like an area rug can make or break the space. I am still in the process of developing my sense of style and decor; its not an easy task. Remember, we have an awesome farm house table and redone chairs in a turquoise blue with yellow gold distressed under the blue. I would like to have a pattern or design rather than just something plain like burlap, even though I'm seeing lots of that, we just need something to create a separate eating area from the rest of the apartment that adds lagniappe. Here are a few inspiration photos.
Garnet Hill
I love this pattern and the different options in color. The coral stands out to me. I'm not a big red person, but this is in the family and still warms up the space and adds some contrast to the table and chairs.
House of Turquoise
This is all too cluttered for me, but focus on the rug. I like the pattern added to the mix. And you're not focusing on one single color.
House of Turquoise
I am hating the orange chandelier, but I kind of like the rug. I like the design a lot and the changes in color keep it interesting.
House of Turquoise
I am seeing so many stripes, that must be the 'IT' thing for area rugs right now. I really like it too. Stripes are clean, crisp, slightly nautical, which I like, and timeless.
Thoughts? Ideas? Direction? I've done several shopping days and am just having the hardest time finding something that really strikes my fancy. Help!!!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
lake bluff, illinois
The husband and I were lucky enough to head to cooler weather this past weekend. My grandmother resides in Lake Bluff, Illinois. The Village of Lake Bluff is a quaint one; it is scenic, right on Lake Michigan (as evident by the name) and has been her home for 45 years. My grandpa was a commander in the US Navy. Lake Bluff happens to be VERY close to a large base, so when he retired, it was a good place to be!
Lake Bluff started as a vacation destination, serving as a place for people to get out of Chicago in the summer. It is BEAUTIFUL! Lake Bluff and its neighboring town, Lake Forest, are no longer summer cottage destinations. It is home to the elite! With beautiful homes to enjoy the lake front and all that the area has to offer.
My dad met us there and we had a lovely weekend. We spent time with the great and wonderful Grandma, walked through the neighborhood, took a drive up to the lake to see the beautiful houses and water, spent some time with my aunt and uncle and took Grandma to her church on Sunday.
She couldn't come to the wedding so this was her opportunity to get to know Brian. Did I mention that my grandma is 97 years old? She is amazing. The kind of woman you pray to be. She raised three sons (which is why God blessed her with four granddaughters), was married to a naval officer who was gone on ships for extended periods of time, was a registered nurse and later, a librarian. A woman of all trades :)
I am very happy that Brian got to meet her and spend time with her. We can't wait to go back for Christmas. Talk about a white Christmas! Not to jinx us, but I've had a white Christmas for as long as I can remember. Sometimes to a point that is others :) But I never complain. I have a great love for the North Shores. Lake effect means its time for Christmas and family - the two best things!!!
For now, we brought this little gem home from Grandma's house. It was hanging in my parent's room. I hung it above our key rack so we can think of her often.
Lake Bluff started as a vacation destination, serving as a place for people to get out of Chicago in the summer. It is BEAUTIFUL! Lake Bluff and its neighboring town, Lake Forest, are no longer summer cottage destinations. It is home to the elite! With beautiful homes to enjoy the lake front and all that the area has to offer.
My dad met us there and we had a lovely weekend. We spent time with the great and wonderful Grandma, walked through the neighborhood, took a drive up to the lake to see the beautiful houses and water, spent some time with my aunt and uncle and took Grandma to her church on Sunday.
She couldn't come to the wedding so this was her opportunity to get to know Brian. Did I mention that my grandma is 97 years old? She is amazing. The kind of woman you pray to be. She raised three sons (which is why God blessed her with four granddaughters), was married to a naval officer who was gone on ships for extended periods of time, was a registered nurse and later, a librarian. A woman of all trades :)
I am very happy that Brian got to meet her and spend time with her. We can't wait to go back for Christmas. Talk about a white Christmas! Not to jinx us, but I've had a white Christmas for as long as I can remember. Sometimes to a point that is others :) But I never complain. I have a great love for the North Shores. Lake effect means its time for Christmas and family - the two best things!!!
For now, we brought this little gem home from Grandma's house. It was hanging in my parent's room. I hung it above our key rack so we can think of her often.
Guest are welcome!!
Until next time, Lake Bluff!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
ta da
Here they are! I am so happy with how they turned out :) Now we just need to host dinner for our friends! Beautiful chairs from my grandma, made anew. How lucky are we?
Ringo is the perfect accessory :)
Don't they look great? I'm so pleased. Operation: Make Us A Home is not complete...we're just getting started. Now that the chairs are done we are looking for an area rug, which is harder than I thought! Once that is purchased I am moving on to my next transformation:
Yep, that is exactly what you think it camp trunk! Fabulous, isn't it? My mom got my us matching trunks when we went to camp. We were the only ones with them; aka Mom is the best :) Well, Mom and Dad are now trying to pawn things off on their children. And my sister has the trunk from my grandma's house so Mom and Dad brought this and dropped it off at our apartment I decided it would be fun to take on this project. I'm going to buy some feet for the trunk to give it a little more style and change out the hardware. What Annie Sloan paint I will be using is still TBD but I will keep you updated. I feel like our home will be so much more a home when we have the rug and the trunk completed. Let the games continue.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
operation: make us a home - dining room chairs
Since my Annie Sloan experience I have been furiously working to complete my perfect dining room set. While at the workshop I chose Arles as my base paint color with Duck Egg blue as the main event. They are turning out BEAUTIFULLY!
Thank goodness too...because we having been living in a disaster area since I started the project. Ugh....I believe living in discord creates discord in the rest of your life. So its been a tough week and a half! We are ready for our living space to be back to normal and new and improved!
Here's how things are going:
Thank goodness too...because we having been living in a disaster area since I started the project. Ugh....I believe living in discord creates discord in the rest of your life. So its been a tough week and a half! We are ready for our living space to be back to normal and new and improved!
Here's how things are going:
Base paint
It is best to flip the chair upside down and paint the underside first. That prevents missing many spots. The wonderful part about chalk paint is no sanding, no priming!!! :) I was able to start painting immediately. I started with Arles.
Sometimes you have to use two coats of paint but since you are painting another color on top it is not as important.
Top coat
Then paint directly over it with your second color. I chose Duck Egg Blue.
Once the paint is dry, you can distress using sand paper, steel wool, scot rite pads, whatever suits your fancy! I painted in the house since its so hot here in good ole' Texas but the distressing needs to be done outside because it is CHALK paint, so it comes off like chalk! duh... As evident by my hands, it is a messy process. I chose to sand through to the original wood in some places and just enough to see the yellow in others. Also, try to choose the spots you distress wisely. Think of where your hands touch the most. Do you use the top to pull out the chair? Put your feet up on the leg supports? Do what looks natural.
Wax brush
Then comes the waxing. This is the brush I bought for the clear wax. Its important to get it into all of the nooks and cranies so this brush is perfect to really work it in.
Cover the whole chair with the clear wax. It can go pretty far but you have to make sure it covers everything or else it will wear away faster.
Dark wax
I could have stopped with the clear wax but these chairs need a little something extra, a little more depth so I used the dark wax as well. It adds to the distressed look quite a bit. You really don't want to use a lot of the dark wax because it can change the whole look of a piece. If you use too much on everything it all starts to look the same. Once you put the wax on take a rag and rub it off to how you want it to look.
Add another layer of clear wax to seal it and buff it out with a rag and you are ready to go!!!
Tomorrow I will show you the finished product! And our next project...its never ending, right??
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