Sunday, August 7, 2011

lake bluff, illinois

The husband and I were lucky enough to head to cooler weather this past weekend. My grandmother resides in Lake Bluff, Illinois. The Village of Lake Bluff is a quaint one; it is scenic, right on Lake Michigan (as evident by the name) and has been her home for 45 years. My grandpa was a commander in the US Navy. Lake Bluff happens to be VERY close to a large base, so when he retired, it was a good place to be!

Lake Bluff started as a vacation destination, serving as a place for people to get out of Chicago in the summer. It is BEAUTIFUL! Lake Bluff and its neighboring town, Lake Forest, are no longer summer cottage destinations. It is home to the elite! With beautiful homes to enjoy the lake front and all that the area has to offer.

Downtown Lake Forest

Lake Michigan

My dad met us there and we had a lovely weekend. We spent time with the great and wonderful Grandma, walked through the neighborhood, took a drive up to the lake to see the beautiful houses and water, spent some time with my aunt and uncle and took Grandma to her church on Sunday.


She couldn't come to the wedding so this was her opportunity to get to know Brian. Did I mention that my grandma is 97 years old? She is amazing. The kind of woman you pray to be. She raised three sons (which is why God blessed her with four granddaughters), was married to a naval officer who was gone on ships for extended periods of time, was a registered nurse and later, a librarian. A woman of all trades :)

Grandma's house

Armour Estate

I am very happy that Brian got to meet her and spend time with her. We can't wait to go back for Christmas. Talk about a white Christmas! Not to jinx us, but I've had a white Christmas for as long as I can remember. Sometimes to a point that is others :) But I never complain. I have a great love for the North Shores. Lake effect means its time for Christmas and family - the two best things!!!

For now, we brought this little gem home from Grandma's house. It was hanging in my parent's room. I hung it above our key rack so we can think of her often.

Guest are welcome!!

Until next time, Lake Bluff!

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