Ringo is the perfect accessory :)
Don't they look great? I'm so pleased. Operation: Make Us A Home is not complete...we're just getting started. Now that the chairs are done we are looking for an area rug, which is harder than I thought! Once that is purchased I am moving on to my next transformation:
Yep, that is exactly what you think it is...my camp trunk! Fabulous, isn't it? My mom got my us matching trunks when we went to camp. We were the only ones with them; aka Mom is the best :) Well, Mom and Dad are now trying to pawn things off on their children. And my sister has the trunk from my grandma's house so Mom and Dad brought this and dropped it off at our apartment I decided it would be fun to take on this project. I'm going to buy some feet for the trunk to give it a little more style and change out the hardware. What Annie Sloan paint I will be using is still TBD but I will keep you updated. I feel like our home will be so much more a home when we have the rug and the trunk completed. Let the games continue.