Tuesday, September 11, 2012

ask and you shall receive

I got what I asked for. A house. And I love it. There is no buyers remorse. There is,  however, SO much work to be done. Not that this is surprising, I knew what we were getting into. Its just once the reality of it hits and you have a full time job, a dog who needs walking, a new cat that needs adjusting, a sweet sweet husband who works hard on the projects and a house that needs some serious love and attention you realize how short your days are, in fact.

This is what our list looked like this weekend:
rewire dryer
washer leak
upstairs molding
updstairs doors
bedroom ceiling
laundry room molding
bathroom wallpaper
bathroom ceiling
change light bulbs

Yes, its as glamorous as it seems. I know, be jealous. I love that its ours. Its such a HUGE blessing that Brian and I have the means to purchase a home and now I'm so excited to make it our own. I just wish I had a bottomless pocket book and lots of free time to make it move faster.

As a person living with Obsessive Compulsive Personality, the idea of moving is a horrible thing. Boxes are everywhere. Drop cloths are on all floors to get rid of this god forsaken shade of yellow on our molding.

I mean, honestly, who paints molding that color? And not only the molding in the hallway...but everywhere. I told B this weekend that my next shirt purchase would be one that read, "Wet Paint" because I am usually covered with it on the weekends and then at work covered in dry paint because the darn stuff won't come off my legs!

We have made amazing progress already! We had 2 weeks before the carpet was installed to get some serious work done upstairs. B redid the popcorn ceilings upstairs himself (I told you the man is a handy dandy saint), primed them, painted them and then painted all the bedrooms. A huge curtsy to my parents who came in for a 'paint party' the weekend before the carpet was installed. We managed to get almost all of the painting upstairs done before we had to worry about drop cloths. That was such a luxury!

So now we attack the rest of the house room by room. Fixing things, personalizing them and then one day purchasing furniture. Craigslist has become me and my mom's best friend. I get a minimum of two emails a day from her of good finds in her area or mine. I've only made one purchase thus far but its a good one. I'll be sure to show you as the project comes along!

I got what I asked for, and its blessings and memories. B and I will always have the memories of walking into our very own home, repairing fences, painting over plum colored walls...and molding and electrical sockets (ugh...people), eating off a card table at nights we worked until 11 p.m. before returning to the old apartment and seeing Ringo figure out how to navigate his very own backyard. We are blessed. Now if you could lend me some time and money, that'd be awesome. :) Please be advised: future projects to be posted!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

baby jackson

Jackson Garrick Harman was born August 8, 2012 at 10:29 p.m. He weighed in at 8 pounds 13 ounces and 21 inches long. He is a big boy and he is adorable. He also looks just like my husband's family. Crazy!!!

My sister in law is recovering after a c-section after pushing for several hours...she's tired, to put it mildly. She is healing up and Jackson is at home figuring out how to live, eat and sleep. He has really long fingers and really long toes and we love him already.

Jackson with Uncle B

My computer isn't agreeing with me to turn this...but Jackson with his Aunt Katie

Welcome to the world, Little Man. You are so loved already :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

a lot can happen in a week

The last post I wrote we were stumped as to what direction we would go with the house. A matter of days later, B suggested we put an offer on the house that we kept coming back to. We love the  layout, we LOVE the neighborhood, the schools are good for farther down the road, there is work to be done, but nothing as far as gutting. More like painting, carpet, fixtures, the normal stuff.

After two days we reached a settlement and are buying a house! I mean...how does that happen? Most adult thing I've ever done. Ever. Getting married costs $75 and is a piece of paper. Having a child...well, a child can have a child (not that they should), but buying a house. Well, let's just say I had anxiety attacks for the first week we pulled the trigger. I know we are making the right decision, its just intense. Conveniently, we have friends three houses down one direction and more friends a half mile down the other. So I think we will be having a great block party!

Stay tuned! We close on August 3rd. The same weekend that I will be co hosting my best friend's bachelorette party at the river (YAY!!) and my nephew may make his debut! It will be a very exciting time!

Then we'll begin the home improvements. Future posts include: paint...the master is a brilliant TCU purple. All that's missing is the fathead of Andy Dalton. Getting rid of a little bit of popcorn ceiling, other paint choices, furniture shopping and the joys of learning to garden. We have so much to learn. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

outdoor living

As summer is WELL under way, we are melting in the 100+ degree weather. Everyone's posts of their car thermostat have loaded up facebook so just in case you forgot it was hot, someone was there to remind you. Isn't that sweet? Bless their hearts...

B and I continue our house hunt with little luck. For this being the season to buy a home, the listings are starting to be few and far between. So in the mean time, I am dreaming of our future home and all the ways I would love to create outdoor living to enjoy the evenings when the weather trys to cool itself down and we can enjoy a glass of wine while Ringo runs around in a yard. Oh, to dream!!!

Have a good weekend, everybody! Tomorrow we are going to see Blue Man Group as a late birthday party for B. He's never seen it and I couldn't be more excited to see it again! In between celebrations I'm sure I'll be checking trulia again for new listings. Ciao!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

girls' fiesta weekend

I'm leaving the boys behind and heading west tomorrow. I'm practically bouncing to get to a girls weekend at a friend's ranch. They put in a pool so the girls are meeting from Dallas, Fort Worth and Wichita Falls to squeeze in some quality time. It comes few and far between these days, it seems, so we are living it up!

Who doesn't love a theme? Well, my girlfriends love them. So this weekend we will be throwing a fiesta, since that's what it is anyway. And I like any excuse to drink margaritas, sangria, eat chips and salsa and wear my favorite muu muu, because yes, I have more than one.

So this weekend will consist of some of this:

A lot of this:

A rendition of this:

And of course to round out the theme:

I hope you have a lovely fiesta for your weekend and some rest and relaxation in between busy work weeks.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Carole King. Songwriter. Legend. Artist. Perfect. And the cover of Tapestry has a cat. In general, this album has everything going for it.

Work has been insane. Yesterday my office was sun drunk after being out for thirty hours last week working with fire fighters for, what we hope to be, a successful Fort Worth Fill the Boot! But we were all a little on the wack a doo side. When I stumbled on this album in my co worker's office yesterday my world turned upside down.

My parents have this record framed in their house and my mom has always talked about how it is one of the greatest albums ever. That's a pretty bold statement...I mean, have you heard the original NSYNC album? I would, however, have to agree with her now. I listened to it all yesterday afternoon and was in a near euphoric state. That is a difficult task these days with my work schedule being that of a worker bee constantly in motion.

Isn't it nice to find something, something as small as a cd, that can turn your day around and make you feel warm, fuzzy and happy to be in the life that you are? But, I guess that's what the hippies were all about when this album was released. So maybe I have a little more free child in me than I thought.

Friday, April 20, 2012

house hunting

B and I are at the beginning phase of purchasing our first home. As in, we've met a realtor we like, who has worked with friends and they had a great experience with her. We are planning on going to get preapproved at the end of the month, and have already been going on showings with her.

Here is the problem:

The housing market here in Fort Worth is a "buyers market". Which is delightful. The problem is I have inherited a fine palette from my mother who has impeccable taste. I have a desired neighborhood. I like some of the houses that are currently on the market, but they seem to have stopped adding new homes for sale. I feel like I am constantly looking at the same houses over and over again. There are two homes in which B and/or I deemed acceptable but would, of course, still require adjustments.

I am a reasonable person. I do not expect to be moving into this house for our starter home.

Not that I'd complain! But I know that is not really in our reach at the age of 27. All I ask for is a 3/2 or 3/3. If you can give me a 4/3 that's even better - that means we can stay longer when we decide to grow our family. I also know that no home will be perfect. Each homeowner has their own personal tastes and preferences that must be adjusted to fit their own needs.

I would, however, love for some more reasonably priced options to appear on the market. Everyone keeps telling me summer is the time to buy! So, we're ready. Let the games begin...or, as Hunger Games would put it, "May the odds be ever in your favor" :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

ten questions

I have a guilty pleasure. Bravo's Inside the Actors Studio is fantastic, in a big way. I dvr it religiously. So far, my favorite episodes have been Kate Hudson, Betty White and George Clooney. The show gives insight to your favorite actors' lives and careers.

My favorite part of the show is toward the end. James Lipton, the host, asks ten questions that originated from a french television host named Bernard Pivot. Watching the show so much, I got to thinking about what my answers are to these questions. I thought it would be fun to share

What is your favorite word?  Bless

What is your least favorite word?  No

What turns you on?  Laughter

What turns you off?  Lack of ambition

What sound do you love?  Two things: the sound of a champagne cork popping & my cats' meow

What sound do you hate?  Finger nails scratching grosgrain ribbon or another fabric with similar texture

What is your favorite curse word?  F*$k

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?  Interior designer

What profession would you not like to do?  Mortician

If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?  Come on in, my dahlin'! Some of your favorite people already started the party.

What would your answers be? And don't you want to watch the show now to find out the answers to your favorite stars??? I highly suggest it.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

operation: make us a home - trunk edition

This has been a long post coming. You remember my camp trunk? I finally got around to transforming it.

I started way back before the holidays. B & I went to OKC to visit my parents. They have an Annie Sloan Chalk Paint dealer near so Mom and I made a trip and picked my paint. I knew I wanted a pop of color and it needed to be different from my chairs and area rug. Too much blue mixing and it would have looked ridiculous and matchy match {my most hated decorating idea}. So, I chose Antibes Green.

Upon first look what does one see?

The Incredible Hulk.

Look passed the brightness and know that there are techniques to tone it down.

I started with my muscle, AKA, the husband.

Since this piece had raised lettering I did have to do a little sanding so it would be an even surface. Thank goodness for B and an electric sander.

Then we moved onto the painting. Since chalk paint is so wonderful there was no need for priming. I could have if I wanted and it would have probably taken less paint, but there was no need, per say.

My assistant fell asleep on the job.

I did have to apply several coats since the red and the lettering were pretty dark but it dries so fast I still managed it all in one evening. After the painting was done, I moved on to waxing. I knew that to mask the Incredible Hulk green I would need to use more of the dark wax than I used on my chairs. 

I applied dark wax and then clear wax, using a rag to wipe away some of the dark wax. I had to do this several times to get the texture or look that I really wanted. I struggled with the look for a while. I wanted it done before Thanksgiving since we were hosting so I just got through that part quickly. It was good enough to have as my end table for the holidays.

After the holidays, I finally got back to the project. I then had to find feet for my trunk! I thought this was going to be significantly easier than it was. Mostly because I'm thrifty...I did not want bun feet. The trunk is so boxy that adding round feet would have looked so awkward. I finally found reasonable feet from Van Dykes Restorers.

I painted them, waxed them and then again turned to the muscle for assistance. B had to drill a hole through the bottom of the trunk. We then used a drill to attach the feet and such. I used some gold Rub 'n Buff on the hardware and edges of the trunk and voila!

I used some of my favorite books, a wedding photo, an artisan pot that we got as a wedding gift (I had no where to display it before) and a yummy candle to accessorize and I'm done!

I'm not sure if there are really any other projects I can do to the apartment. I guess B & I will just have to start the house hunt....what a pain ;) I jest, but ohhh man, will the house projects be aplenty when we find the right house! Until then, I'll enjoy my comfortable apartment living.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I have a new profession. As of August 20th, tentatively, I will also adopt the role of aunt. :) My sister-in-law is pregnant with her first baby. Now that it is facebook official, I am allowed to disclose my extreme excitement. The job of an aunt is a special one. It involves very serious stuff such as: spoiling, always having gum, providing a kind ear to listen and a gentle word of encouragement, special treats that only Aunt Katie & Uncle B will provide and so much more.

We do not know the gender of the sweet petite but we will soon find out! I am waiting with bated breath. That will then determine: the name, the shower decor and ideas and the clothes I purchase from Zulily.com. If you have kids or have babes in the family and are not a part of this you are totally missing out. It has the most adorable clothes and toys for not only the tykes but also fun stuff for mom! My boss convinced me to sign up for it, as she is a new mother, and oh gosh...she may create a monster. If this baby is a girl, all my ruffled dreams will come true. See, I know know that I will have all boys. Isn't that the way life works? I'm the epitome of girly girl. Insofacto, I'm having all boys.

I did however dream that this baby was a boy and his name was Kaden. That name isn't even on their short list, but I took it as a sign that maybe we will all be seeing blue in the next month.

I'm grateful for pinterest in this time of creativity. Its got all my juices flowing in how to shower the mommy-to-be. As my first baby shower, I need a little guidance since I don't want to put everyone through the AWFUL games. No one wants to guess what candy bar is in the diaper, appearing dirty. NO THANK YOU. So I picture more of a social hour with delightful tastes and drinks for all. I'm accepting all suggestions! I obviously still have some time on my hands, but with two bachelorette parties to plan this summer I figure I better stay on my A-game. So, here's to baby H! We're excited you're on your way.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

happy valentine's day

Happy Valentine's Day, folks! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with love in everything that you do. I will be spending the evening with my valentines, B & Ringo. Since we love to cook and that is some of our favorite time together we are making a feast! ...And possibly watching the second night of the Westminster Dog Show. Its an odd obsession, I know, but I watch it every year. Don't worry, Ringo is still our best in show. Happy day of love!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012


B has done it again. He has out-cooked me. This trend, although delicious, is making me feel far inferior in the kitchen, a place where I feel like I should reign!!!

Poor hubs was sick last week and stayed home Friday to get some rest and dope himself up on medicines. Luckily, he also enjoyed some Food Network time and saw the most amazing Asian-inspired turkey burgers. Yes, it sounds VERY odd, I know. But omg!!! They were so good. I have one for lunch today too. I paired it with my Aunt Rose's Asian slaw recipe that I always love. Sorry there are no photos, since we didn't know they would turn out this good I didn't even think to grab my camera!

The burger recipe is so flavorful, I didn't even eat it with a bun - way to cut a few calories!! It didn't need any sauce or dip. It was perfect and moist, which can be hard for a turkey burger. Overall, we had a wonderful and healthy Superbowl Sunday.

Turkey Burger by Anne Burrell on Food Network:
-Extra virgin olive oil
-One onion, diced
-Two cloves of garlic, smashed and finely chopped
-1 1/2 pounds of ground turkey
-1/4 cup soy sauce
-1-inch fresh piece of ginger, grated
-8 oz can of water chestnuts, drained and coarsely chopped
-Half a bunch of cilantro leaves, finely chopped

Coat a large pan with olive oil. Add onions, season with salt and bring to a medium-high heat. Cook approximately 7-8 minutes, until onion is soft and aromatic. Add the garlic and cook for 1-2 more minutes. Turn off heat and let cool.

In a large bowl combine turkey, soy sauce, ginger, water chestnuts, cilantro and cooked onion and garlic. Add 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water to keep the burgers moist. Using your hands, squish everything together, mixing well and form patties.

The recipe on Food Network suggests cooking the burgers in the pan used to cook the onion and garlic in but we decided to grill them since we also needed to grill chicken for B's lunch for the week. I loved the char on the outside of them and they were still moist inside.

Oriental Slaw:
-Cabbage or broccoli slaw
-Sunflower seeds
-Toasted slivered almonds
-Green onion
 -3/4 cup of canola or vegetable oil
-1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar
-1/2 cup of brown sugar
-Soy sauce to taste

Mix the dressing ingredients together really well, so sugar dissolves. If you're using one bag of slaw, I would cut the dressing measurements in half. That much will create too much and drown the slaw. Put in refrigerator several hours or over night.

Combine the slaw ingredients. I eye it on how much to add of the ramen, almonds, onion and sunflower seeds. Its your own creation so just add what you like! When ready to serve mix the dressing in and serve. You won't be sorry! Its delicious and works so well with the burger.

Bon Appetite!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

epic fail

Last weekend was an epic fail. I didn't make it to New York. After a Thursday of sniffles, drugging myself up and sleeping all afternoon, I got a stomach bug on Friday and had to postpone my trip. Disappointment doesn't begin to cover the emotions I felt.

Luckily, Kristen and Libby still went shopping. They didn't find THE dress, but I think may be narrowing down the type or silhouette. I'm still going to get there! I'm bound and determined. It just may have to wait until March. February is already booked up with work, bachelorette party and a ski trip to top it off!

So, New York, New York!!! Until we meet again...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

new york, new york

I am counting down the days...practically the minutes until I am on a plane headed to New York!  BAM! I haven't been since May 2008 and I have some of the major loves of my life living there! After my parents graciously gave my sister and I vouchers that they received, I am on my way. I feel awful to leave B, but I am going on an extremely important mission: wedding gown shopping.

My love, Libby, is getting married in September and I am lucky enough to be her MOH :) This was the perfect time to get away. 2012 is already working one over on me so seeing Libby, Kristen and Bethany is basically medicine that no one but God himself can provide me with!

Appointments are made and plans have been set. This is one of the fastest trips ever...super lame...but we will make the most of every moment. Now we just need to say a prayer that snow does not get in the way of our gown shopping. I am fully prepared for a weekend of lace, silk, tulle and satin. BRING IT NEW YORK!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

one year anniversary

One year ago today, this dust mop walked into our lives.

Changing the way we live our lives forever. After weeks of accidents and going out to potty almost every hour our little Ringo-man has emerged a slightly more behaved cuddle muffin. His accidents are now a rarity, thank goodness, and we're learning to speak each other's language. We have a routine down, that he really adheres to. His inner alarm clock is that of a rolex. He starts getting restless in his crate by 6:45 a.m. and knows when B's alarm will go off. You better be ready to get out of bed because he will not let you rest until he is walked, fed and has a pillow to snuggle up on the bed...or steals B's while he's sleeping on it too. That one's always entertaining.

I was scared to own a dog. They are so much more responsibility than a cat. Like woah. So this was a huge adjustment for me. Now, I attempt to make our schedules around Ringo, driving B crazy. He is my little one and I can't imagine starting our lives together without him, now.

He is preparing us for parenthood, I can feel it. He tries my patience, has accidents, is stubborn, barks at the most unfortunate times but shows unconditional love in return. He even tollerates my insane nicknames, which have grown since I introduced him to the blog: muskrat, pumpkin, pumpkin seed, turkey, snowball, my little christmas ornament...you see the trend, I link them to holidays. He will be my little valentine before I know it!

So, happy anniversary to our little man! I know he's just a dog but, oh, that little face makes our days THAT much better! What a blessing!

Monday, January 16, 2012

promise you won't judge

I may or may not have just taken down the Christmas decorations last night...and the clock is still set to Christmas music. I told you not to judge.

I prefer to think of my extended holiday decor as staying in the holiday spirit, not laziness. In all seriousness, we had a wonderful Christmas in Chicago. A whirlwind, to say the least. B enjoyed it and got to know the family a little better - which is always nice! We ate at Del Rio - B's new favorite tradition, too. And the last day, when everybody else had to leave super early, B and I stayed, closed up the house {possibly for the last time...tears were shed} and headed to the train station. We got to spend the afternoon with one of B's best friends who lives in the most fab condo downtown. I tell you, when its 46 degrees and he has the view he has, I'm willing to live in Chicago. But then I think of the blizzards and insanely freezing temperatures and realize what a Texas girl I truly am.

B enjoying the wine my uncle got for his birthday :) 

B & Reza in front of the bean

Our first Christmas in Chicago

I tried to get one of the three of us

We spent the next day with my in laws and got some good news..that will be shared in the future. But 2012 has proved to be a trying year already. Personally and professionally, I will be working to keep my butt in gear. It seems like the time is flying by. Mid January already? I mean, where have the days gone?

I'm not big on new year's resolutions. I think they are setting yourself up for failure. But I do like a goal. Something that, if you fall off the train, you can reset and get back on, no judgements. Its my goal to really balance this year. Family first. There are no other options. Friends are a close second and make my work performance that of a jedi master.

To think that I struggle balancing life now and we don't even have petites! Yikes! So a few things on our calendar this year are:
  • Go to NYC to help Libby find a wedding gown
  • Be in Houston as much as possible
  • Attend and enjoy myself at all SIX weddings this year
  • Have more date nights with B
  • Buy a house
  • Take Ringo on more walks, like everyday when its not bitterly cold
  • Read more books
  • Get creative with activities, decorating, cooking and organizing
Yes, some of these items sound a little stupid, I know. But hey, great or small, they are on the list! So, here's to a peaceful and prosperous 2012!!! BRING IT ON!